It was over 20 years ago when I made my first teaching presentation. I got my start presenting at a local ETJ (English Teachers in Japan) group and then soon after I presented on teaching grammar at the first Chubu ETJ EXPO. These events were always so important for teachers of children who wanted to share ideas and meet other school owners.
The ETJ EXPOs are now called ETJ Conventions and one was held in Nagoya on January 26th. I had an information table for LIXON Education and made two presentations: one on school libraries and extensive reading and one on how I started BIG BOW English Lab. It was great to catch up with old friends and find out about what is going on in the English teaching field.
We donated one of my books, 50 Ways to Teach Young Learners, for the lunch time raffle.
I hope the lucky winner enjoys trying out the activities in his classes!