I hope everyone had a great winter vacation!
This year I didn't go to Florida to see my family. Instead, Mr. Ito and I spent a few days in Guam. Guam is a wonderful place because it is beautiful, and I can eat and shop for a few days like an American! On Christmas Day, we rented a Ford Mustang convertible and drove around the south of the island.
Many people only think of Guam as a tropical paradise, but there is a lot of interesting history. We saw where Magellan first landed in Guam on his round the world voyage. We also visited the ruins of a Spanish fort, Fort Nuestra Senora de la Soledad. Many years ago, Spanish ships sailed between this fort and Acapulco, Mexico.
The Micronesia Mall had a great bookstore with a nice selection of popular children's books, so I carefully chose a few titles to add to the library at BIG BOW. I'm looking forward to introducing these to the students this week.
Mr. Ito and I are looking forward to 2025! Let's have a great year!