I'm very happy to announce that my first Atama-ii graded reader has been published. It's called "Backstage Pass" and is a multipath adventure where your favorite band is coming to town for a concert and you hope to meet them somehow. I had a lot of fun writing this multipath story and it brought back great memories of going to rock concerts when I was young.
The e-book is available at Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/Backstage-Pass-Atama-ii-Book-4-ebook/dp/B00OX2NWSS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1415587044&sr=8-1&keywords=backstage+pass+lesley+ito
The print version is available at englishbooks.jp http://www.englishbooks.jp/catalog/product_info.php/products_id/33013/language/en
I'm looking forward to making presentations on using multipath readers and other readers in the classroom at the upcoming JALT National convention in Tsukuba as a Featured Speaker.